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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Performance Journal One


Welcome to the website!

Let me be the first to thank you for stopping by and checking out my site, it has been sometime since my last online post. A number of years ago, three and a half I believe? I wrote an online blog that was geared towards the world of track and field and athletics. It started as a way to pass a couple hours a day back in 2003 while I was training fulltime for the hammer throw at the national and international level. The blog was a part of a larger website that I created called For those of you that may not be familiar with this website, it was your typical muscle-head site with lots of training info and T&A for the viewers plus nutritional reviews and some cutting edge concepts taken from the headlines of the industry. What there wasn’t a lot of was bulls**t in by way of empty concepts or wasted energy towards the flavor of the day training. Simply, the website wanted to and succeeded at promoting the sport in its rawest and most honest form.

Like I have said in the past and I continue to promote to this day, there is no such thing as bad training thoughts just bad training actions. You have to open your mind and think about the ways to improve performance through the systematic and productive use of yourself and the resources available. If you are not sure of the answers that you are finding then find another source and compare to make sure that your time training will be best spent doing something productive. With that being said, you also have to ask yourself if your training is suffering due to the fact that you simply don’t have enough sack or guts to push through the barriers of your mind and your body. Are you simply looking for the straightest path from point A to B, without accepting the reality that change is a slow and at time stubborn process?

The most frustrating set backs that I witness with athletes and a citizen trainee in the human performance world is their simple lack of direction in their workouts. They simply don’t know why they are here, or what they are supposed to be doing. The gym is a place that they go, but why are they really going? What are the reasons that they are going for? And if they know the reasons, do they have any clue how to reach those goals or expectations? These are all areas that seem to elude the majority of fitness driven individuals. “Don’t think that you can go ask a trainer and they will make it all better because they also fall into that same majority.”

You have to set forth a plan for physical and performance change even if all you want to do is improve your overall health. You have to understand what is causing your poor health in the first place, how your forthcoming training is going to affect your goals and whether or not your goals are even attainable. For example, if you are 42 years old with a body fat level of 39% you might not want to start with a goal of back squatting 500lbs in the next six months. However, you can set goals that put you on track to achieve that goal over the next 36 months as long as you are structurally healthy and you don’t come from a chlorinated genetic pool.

Until next time…

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